Comprehensive & Personalised
Gynaecology Care
Seamless personalised gynaecology care.
Newtown & inner West
Specialist Interests
As well as offering a range of gynaecological investigations and management options for uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and metabolic abnormalities such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) I also provide specialist treatments for the following conditions:Endometriosis is a common condition associated with menstrual pain, chronic pelvic pain and infertility. In fact, it is estimated to affect between 7%-10% of women of reproductive age in Australia. This increases to 35%-50% of women with chronic pelvic pain and fertility problems. Medical treatment options may have limited effectiveness, hence surgical options may offer some relief from symptoms.
Heavy periods or heavy menstrual bleeding are common and affect around one in five Australian women. In some cases pelvic pain is present and this can impact enormously on a woman's quality of life. Fortunately there are many options for managing this condition. Firstly, discuss the situation with your General Practitioner. They may refer you to a gynaecologist like me for further investigation.
Cervical screening (formerly pap smear) is a test to detect cancer of the cervix. Occasionally a test may produce an abnormal result. When this occurs you may require further examination from a specialist gynaecologist. In some cases a procedure called a colposcopy is required where a special microscope is used to closely examine the cervix. A small sample of tissue (a biopsy) may be taken for further examination. If pre-cancerous cells are found, in many cases they can be treated successfully. The key is regular cervical screening.
A pelvic floor prolapse is when weak, torn or damaged fascia, ligaments or muscles around the pelvic organs can bulge down into the vagina or rectum. According to the Continence Foundation of Australia, over 50% of women who have had a child will have some level of prolapse. Prolapse can significantly affect a woman’s quality of life and up to one in five women who have a prolapse will require medical or surgical intervention.
Symptoms include:
• heavy sensation or dragging in your vagina
• a lump in your vagina
• a lump bulging out of your vagina
• sexual problems of pain or less sensation
• bladder that doesn’t empty as it should, or a weak urine stream
• reoccurring urinary tract infections
• difficulty emptying your bowel.
* Please note I do not provide services for pelvic mesh.
Contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy, and more commonly referred to as ‘birth control’. Some forms of contraception such as condoms can also help reduce the spread of sexually transmissible infections (STIs). A wide range of contraceptive choices are available and your selection depends on your unique circumstances. Factors such as lifestyle, side effects, costs, effectiveness, and cultural expectations may complicate your choice of contraception. It is therefore important to discuss with your GP or seek a referral to me so that contraception can be customised to your unique situation.